There are many authorized books regarding the Human Design System and you are encouraged to explore any that appeal to you. Additionally, there are a wide array of presentations available that are also very informative and fascinating. None of these,however, take the place of a Full Foundation Reading from a Certified Professional Human Design Analyst. The Certified Analyst has spent a minimum of 3 1/2 years in training, learning how to use the information that is available. During this training, the Analyst has spent many, many hours exploring the experience of the Human Design System. It’s the difference between an auto mechanic who has the book knowledge of how an engine works and the mechanic who has several years experience of working on engines. Additionally, it is widely understood that the trained professional never work on themselves; a therapist never attempts to diagnose themselves. It takes the committed and yet unattached perspective of another person to see the big picture that we ourselves often cannot see.
It is critical to understand that each Human Design BodyGraph is unique and, therefore, no book can truly explain how any one particular component will function within the entirety of the whole. For example, the book can explain what the Generator Type Energy is like and how it is designed to function in the world. However, this can only be a generalized explanation. Given that approximately 70% of the population are Generators, if one Generator Energy was like any other, that would make life as a human being pretty boring and Human Design would have little relevancy. Each Generator will function uniquely within the generalization of that Energy Type. Each Generator is designed to respond to life but what the individual Generator will respond to is entirely unique and only found with an educated interpretation of the BodyGraph of the individual.
Additionally, the Professional Analyst is trained to recognize that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. There are plenty of books describing the nature of the Gates, Lines, Centers, and Channels found within the mechanics of the BodyGraph structure. No book can be written to describe the end result of the unique combination of elements found in an individual BodyGraph. Human Design is the Science of Differentiation; the predictable, repeatable application of interpreting what makes one person entirely unique from another. It is simply not possible to explore the trillions of possible permutations available in the Defined BodyGraph.
Very often, people are confused as to whether or not they have had a Full Foundation Reading from a Certified Professional Analyst or if they were given information from a well read person very familiar with the Human Design System. Unfortunately, it is true that there are many folks mis-representing themselves as Professional Analysts. Others are misinformed that if one knows what the Type, Strategy, and Authority is for a person, that’s all there is to it. They have reduced the Human Design System to just another profiling system that force the beauty of humanity in to a limited 4 or 5 “one size fits all” compartmentalization. You will know that you have had a Full Foundation Reading from a Certified Professional Analyst because it will have a great deal of depth, it will use highly precise language, specific to you, and will provide you with a range of activities and observations to be aware of as you go about your day; distinguishing your True Energetic design from the conditioned, homogenized programming. If you were not left with this, you did not have a Full Foundation Reading from a Certified Professional Analyst.
As mentioned above, it is the unfortunate truth that there are more than a few people and organizations in the world falsely portraying themselves as official Human Design resources. The trusted resources are actually quite specific.
The International Human Design School
Human Design America
The Jovian Archive
If you have any concern about whether or not the person or organization you are interacting with is official, contact any of these organizations and they can help you. Additionally, any information found at the websites for these organizations can be trusted to be true to the Human Design System as Ra presented it.
Ra and Lynda Bunnell have published a book entitled “The Definitive Book of Human Design” and it truly is the definitive resource. While it is not the only or best resource, it covers a wide array of information about the Human Design System with a depth most find adequate. It is extremely well designed, organized, and written.
Ra was a Manifestor Energy and, therefore, was designed to initiate. When he began sharing his experience and the Human Design System, he had no idea that it would turn in to the international network of professionals that it is today. He often said, “I just initiated the system in to the Collective Consciousness. It was all you Generators and Projectors that actually turned it in to something.” As a result, early on in his sharing, there wasn’t a structure or official process for disseminating this system. This allowed for the possibility of folks claiming to be official but are not recognized by the various organizations that eventually formed. It wasn’t until the early 2000’s that Ra addressed an official process of being an Analyst. This came as the System itself found its legs.
The Professional Certified Analyst as recognized by the above organizations have the talent and depth of experience to not simply run down the technical information of a BodyGraph but can describe the entirety of the Energy depicted in a BodyGraph in a way that transcends the information itself. This is the hallmark of a true Certified Professional Human Design Analyst.